Healing & Growing

from the inside out.

 Welcome to Inner Wellness, an empowering space to cultivate self awareness, intentional parenting, resilience, and holistic well-being. 

Let's begin your journey of self discovery and inner transformation.

If you want to feel true self love, more inner peace...

If you are ready to see and feel a new healed version of yourself, you are in the right place.

I help people increase the quality of their lives by increasing the quality of their

*energy- physically and somatically

*emotions- deep understanding of self

*thoughts- navigating what’s real

*relationships- parts of selves, past and present

Private Grief Coaching

I am here to support this journey with you in a safe way.

I have learned many things along my grief journey, one of the most impactful pieces is that grief is meant to be shared and witnessed.

Things people have said after working with me...


I know life coaches and therapists are vastly different, however, when I came to Courtney I felt confused and didn’t understand how to cultivate my strengths.  I didn’t know  how to use my weaknesses to my advantage. While counseling offered me what I needed to heal, Courtney’s Life Coaching really helped me to look forward from it all and start creating the future I so desperately strived for,  while staying grounded enough to enjoy the present. Courtney, you are a game changer, I often wish I could keep you in my pocket and copy you as a  gift to others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

– M


Working together with Courtney has changed my life in so many wonderful ways: I set a goal and I crushed it with hard work that she coached me through. Her encouragement, insights, knowledge and super stoke fueled so much growth for me in these past 8 weeks. It’s been a gift and a life deepening experience to work with her. – R

Let's experience real connections and deeper relationships.

You can not heal alone.

I am here to support you. 

how to work with me


FREE-- A 20 minute phone call to connect and chat.

Grief Support

Perhaps you have been looking for someone and a few tools to guide you through the worst days. Together and in time – I will help you grow around your painful wounds and experience the sweetness of peace, and remember with more love than pain.

YA Program

Courtney has worked with hundreds of young adults, supporting their personal growth, confidence, coping skills, and more.

Join the CLC community!